Thursday, February 3, 2011


Let me just relate to you the problems I have experienced.

It all started last week on Tuesday. I was required to write a short paper for my Critical Theory of Literature class. So I write one on Plato and turn it in, because that is what I thought my syllabus told me to do. It turns out that I was quite wrong. My synopsis was supposed to be on Aristotle, which I realized much too late. And when I got my paper back, it was practically screaming at me, "CAROLYN, THIS IS EMBARRASSING! I AM ASHAMED TO BE YOUR PAPER!!"

However, my professor was very kind and allowed me to rewrite the paper and still get a grade on it, even though points would be deducted from its grade for being late. I probably would have rewritten it anyway and turned it in, even if it didn't count for a grade, because I don't want to look like the class idiot. It was only a page or so, and not worth very much of my grade.

Anyway, the point of the matter is that he allowed me to rewrite the dang synopsis and email it ASAP. So on Wednesday, I wake up and write this synopsis prior to going to class. However, I don't have time to proofread it, and I decide I will just do that later. So I go to school, I see some friends, I have some fun, and then later that night I start proofreading the paper and when I get ready to email it, MY COMPUTER DECIDES THAT WORKING PROPERLY IS STUPID.

After some tears and frustrations, I do get my paper turned in, and after like a week of not having a computer, it finally returns to me. I didn't know what to do with my spare time without my computer. What is a 20 year old to do?? Color? Play card games? Rescue hundreds of puppies and kittens from shelters, like I have the money for that??? I swear I am not an animal hoarder.

Anyway, those are not real problems. They were embarrassing and annoying, however.

On a happier note, my tests for this week are over. On a less happy note, I have two tests and a paper due next week.

1 comment:

  1. You know that's called good news/bad news. The good news is -it's over now, the bad news is-next week may be worse. You should also know that when you need technology "right now" it will not work. The printer won't print, the computer won't work, the internet will not come up, the device you saved the paper on will go bonkers, etc. I have experienced them all with my children. By the way, I love the werecow pic. Keep posting!
